Solutions: Reining In Rising Property Insurance Rates

There are many proposed ways to mitigate the property insurance cost crisis. They all require federal or state government to act.

Paucity of insurance for U.S. nonprofits concerning as regulatory, legal limitations persist

U.S. nonprofits are struggling to obtain affordable risk coverage due to limited options available in the market. Mainstream carriers aren't wanting to underwrite the risk, and legal limitations are hindering other nonprofit insurance groups from entering the market.

BREAKING NEWS: An Insurance Regulator Tries to Figure Out What Type of Insurance is Offered in Their State

The Missouri Department of Commerce & Industry sent a survey to see if insurers are offering coverages nonprofits need. Too little, too late.

Insurance Trade Association Using Clout to Hurt Nonprofits

Determined to maintain control over a market they don’t even want, NAMIC is working with regulators to kneecap nonprofits.

Insurance Regulators Unaware of Insurance Market Failure for Nonprofits

Congress can solve nonprofits insurance access issues now. Make sure your nonprofit never faces the stress of searching for insurance again.

Nonprofits Need More Options in the Marketplace, Not Less

A letter to Commissioner Mike Kreidler, Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner, asking him to support allowing RRGs to offer property options.

Urgent Need for Nonprofit Property Protection Act

This letter, signed by hundreds of nonprofits, urges action on the Nonprofit Property Protection Act (H.R. 4523)

Nonprofits Coming Together to Protect Our Sector

A letter to Congresswoman Maxine Waters signed by over 1500 nonprofits who support the Nonprofit Property Protection Act (H.R. 4523).

Congressional Hearing on the Nonprofit Property Protection Act

Testimony of Pamela E. Davis, Founder and CEO of Nonprofits Insurance Alliance, in front of the Congressional subcommittee on Housing and Insurance Services.