Good for nonprofits, good for brokers.
Place your nonprofit clients with an insurer who understands nonprofit risks, provides fair and equitable pricing, and has a vested interest in helping you achieve your goals.
Explore the many benefits NIA has to offer you and your clients.
Already convinced? Do one of these things:
Become An NIA Broker Submit 501(c)(3) Business
Insured by NIA:
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County
Santa Rosa, CA
Brokers are busy. NIA makes it easy for you.
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance is here to be your partner.
Where NIA writes business.
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance actively insures 27,000+ nonprofits in 32 states and the District of Columbia.
If you prefer, you can see a list of states that NIA covers.
NIA is registered to write liability policies in all 50 states, but no companion property coverage is available in 18 states. State-based insurance regulation has been unable to resolve this market failure, so NIA is working with Congress to correct this.
How does working with NIA work?
NIA works with selected independent brokers that care about providing 501(c)(3) nonprofits with the best coverage available.
These are some of the top things that independent agents and brokers want to do or know about when they work with NIA.
- See payment plans
- Read the Broker FAQ
- Login to the Secure Broker Portal
- Understand Risk Retention Groups (RRGs)
- View risk management e-books
What brokers are saying:
What is NIA’s appetite?
Who does NIA insure?
Unlike any other insurer, NIA writes coverage exclusively for 501(c)(3) organizations of all sizes.
NIA writes coverage for a wide variety of classes of business — including those that brokers often find difficult to place.
- Art and Education
- Community Service
- Animal and Environmental
- Neighborhood Improvement and Social Action
- Mental Health, Health-Related, and Developmental Disabilities
- Shelter, Nutrition, and Employment
- Philanthropy, Volunteerism, and Grantmaking
- New 501(c)(3) organizations
- …and many more.
NIA cannot insure:
- Nonprofit types other than 501(c)(3), such as 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6), etc.
NIA can’t insure the following:
- Athletic leagues
- Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts troops
- Chambers of commerce, trade associations, or homeowners’ associations
- Churches, or organizations whose main goal is to promote the specific teachings or beliefs of a specific religion or person
- Detox facilities, hospitals, blood banks, or birth centers
- Lockdown facilities, or facilities that hold people against their will
- Mountain bike / Motocross groups
- Nonprofit developers that build with the intent to sell
- Universities
- Zoos
NIA can consider 501(c)(3) nonprofits that are only affiliated with the types of organizations above.
Examples of affiliated organizations: Food banks / pantries / thrift stores connected to churches, foundations that benefit zoos, or supporting organizations.
What types of coverage does NIA write?
For 35+ years, NIA has provided nonprofits with customized coverages, tailored to meet their specialized insurance needs. These are the most comprehensive coverages available to nonprofits.

Insured by NIA:
Assateague Coastal Trust
Berlin, MD
List of coverages:
Here’s the menu of NIA’s nonprofit insurance offerings.
Note: NIA’s Commercial General Liability coverage is required if you want to purchase any other coverages from NIA.
Coverage for a wide range of negligent acts which result in bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, or advertising injury. Liquor liability included at no extra fee.
Coverage for nonprofit employees, volunteers, and the organization for allegations of sexual and/or physical abuse. Event trigger and claims-made available.
Coverage for employees, volunteers, interns, students-in-training, and independent contractors for damages resulting from errors and omissions in the provision of certain professional services.
Board & Executive is NIA’s brand name for a group of coverages that provide protection for boards of directors and executives. Include options for Directors and Officers (D&O), Fiduciary Liability, and EPLI.
Coverage for vehicle fleets of all sizes, driven by employees or volunteers. Can include personal vehicles that are being used for nonprofit work.
Coverage for the physical assets a nonprofit owns or leases — such as buildings, office equipment, computers, furniture, etc. Generous, modified BOP, includes business income and extra expense.
Limited coverage for injury to a volunteer or participant (depending on the coverage) on a no-fault basis. May apply prior to (or in excess of) an individual’s health insurance policy.
While a $1 million limit works for most claims, umbrella liability provides the excess coverage some nonprofits may need.
Proactive claims handling.
NIA’s claims approach is to look for ways to cover claims within our policy, not for ways to decline them. If liability is clear when a claim is presented, NIA investigates to quantify the damages and pays the claim promptly.
If liability is uncertain, NIA investigates thoroughly and works to resolve the claim in a manner that is both conscientious and practical. NIA takes very seriously the trust nonprofits place in us to protect them.

Insured by NIA:
Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge
Pittsboro, NC
All nonprofits insured by NIA get risk management services.
Your time is valuable. Leave it to NIA to help your clients with risk management services.
All NIA insureds get access to thousands of dollars’ worth of free and discounted risk management services, including consulting, training, software, and more.

Insured by NIA:
Herndon Village Network
Herndon, VA
Common broker tools.
These are the most common tools for NIA-appointed brokers.
Your questions answered.
Great job on making it this far. Have some final questions? Here are the top questions NIA hears from brokers. There’s more where this came from, too.
Yes! In fact, NIA writes many organizations that are just starting out.
Just confirm you’ve applied for your organization’s 501(c)(3) status by submitting to NIA a copy of your completed application and proof of payment to the IRS.
Note: You will be required to have your 501(c)(3) status within one year of purchasing coverage.
Yes. Nonprofits Insurance Alliance (NIA) is conservatively reinsured by a group of highly rated reinsurers.
Go to the Claims page to report a claim.
There are many different types of nonprofit organizations, but only federally tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits qualify for membership with Nonprofits Insurance Alliance (NIA).
NIA insures many types of nonprofits. Find out more about NIA’s appetite.
If you’ve got a brand-new nonprofit, or if you’re thinking about starting one and just doing research for your budget, you may be interested in the minimum annual premiums for all the insurance coverage that NIA offers.
Your insurance quote will most likely differ, as your premium will be entirely defined by your nonprofit’s own level of risk.
Note: These minimum numbers are provided for informational purposes only.