How One Nonprofit Helps Human Trafficking Victims Rebuild Their Lives

Haven Homes of Detroit places survivors of human trafficking in a long-term stable home, their own living space, and a sense of community.

How One Nonprofit Made Therapy a Day at the Beach

A Walk on Water provides kids with special needs transformative experiences in the ocean. Meet the 26,000th nonprofit to be insured by NIA.

Meet NIA’s 25,000th Member: FOBT Pipeline

Fruit of Barren Trees (FOBT) Pipeline of Jacksonville, Florida is the 26,000th nonprofit to get their insurance coverage from NIA.

NIA Welcomes Live Zero Waste as 24,000th Member

NIA is pleased to provide insurance to organizations that work to protect the environment. Live Zero Waste is our 24,000th member.

Alta California Regional Center: Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Thrive

Nonprofits Insurance Alliance (NIA) & Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) have something in common: Helping thousands meet their mission.