Nonprofit Loans In California: Special Rate for NIAC Members

NIAC members have an opportunity to get a collateral-free loan through American Nonprofits at a discounted rate.

If you’re a NIAC member, these loans are being offered at the discounted rate of 6% — instead of the 8% rate available to California nonprofits that are not NIAC members.

A group of hikers at the summit of a mountain in a redwood tree forest

We’re happy to announce an extra perk for members with insurance through Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC).

American Nonprofits, a 501(c)(3) organization itself, offers collateral-free loans to California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

If you’re a NIAC member, loans of up to $75,000 are being offered at the discounted rate of 6% — instead of the 8% rate available to California nonprofits that are not NIAC members.

NIAC has lent $500,000 to American Nonprofits on favorable terms to make these loans possible for our members. Loans to NIAC members have a fixed interest rate of 6 percent interest with a loan origination fee from $250 to $500 (depending on the size of the loan). Loans have a term of up to 12 months. Review and approval of the loan typically takes less than five weeks.

American Nonprofits grew out of a pilot program seeded by NIAC — the NIAC Loan Fund — which showed it was financially feasible to underwrite small, yet impactful, loans to nonprofit organizations.

With that initial program proven successful, American Nonprofits has since gained other investors and recognition as a Community Financial Development Institution (CDFI).

To learn more, or to inquire about a loan, visit the American Nonprofits website.

About American Nonprofits

As an organization intended to empower nonprofits by providing them access to financial resources they might not otherwise be able to access, American Nonprofits provides California nonprofits a platform to address issues of finance, credit, strategy, and accountability.