Is NIA available in your state?
NIA currently provides insurance to 27,000+ nonprofits in 32 states and the District of Columbia.
States Covered States Not Yet CoveredStates currently served by NIA.
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NIA doesn’t currently offer coverage in the following states.
But, if you select a state from the list below, you’ll be able join a waiting list.
If you’re interested in advocating for more insurance options in one of these states, please contact NIA!
Latest blog posts:
Art Centers: Insurance Explained
Nonprofit art centers provide the space for communities to discover and explore their creativity and imagination through artistic expression. What’s most important to these organizations when it comes to their insurance? Here’s what some real NIA members had to say.
Abuse Prevention Organizations: Insurance Explained
Local nonprofit abuse prevention organizations provide an essential lifeline of support for countless victims of mistreatment. What do they look for when it comes to their insurance?
How One Nonprofit Helps Human Trafficking Victims Rebuild Their Lives
Haven Homes of Detroit places survivors of human trafficking in a long-term stable home, their own living space, and a sense of community.