Managing a Remote Workforce

Remote employees offer nonprofits a number of advantages. Management of remote staff involves building trust and establishing effective remote work policies.

How Nonprofit Managers Can Make Difficult Conversations More Effective

A few simple steps to help your nonprofit's managers navigate difficult conversations about employee performance, discipline, or termination.

Does Your Nonprofit Need a Human Resources Manager?

Resource-strapped nonprofits are often reluctant to add a position that does not generate revenue or interact with clients. But the right human resources manager can help your nonprofit reduce risk and increase productivity and satisfaction.

Why Do Nonprofit Leaders Fail? It’s Usually FINE.

Nonprofits that want to do fine, should avoid doing “FINE”: Fraud, Inexperience, Negligence or Ego should never be a part of what you do.

Workplace Violence on the Rise: What You Can Do to Protect Your Nonprofit

As workplace shootings rise, nonprofits should implement policies that keep workplaces safe from threats and violent behavior.

The Public Shaming of Nonprofits

Nonprofits can prepare to protect themselves and rebut claims from the media of inefficient spending.

Accommodating Job Candidates with Disabilities

A well-qualified applicant applies for a job at a nonprofit and lands an in-person interview. The applicant explains that their service dog will accompany them. The hiring manager is left with questions: Does the manager have to agree? Does this entail agreeing to permit the service dog in the workplace if the applicant is hired? […]

An Inclusive Workplace is an Accessible Workplace

Getting familiar with the terminology used in federal workplace disability law can help nonprofits navigate these issues with more confidence when creating a more inclusive workplace.

Terminating Employment

While all employers must proceed with caution when deciding to end their relationship with an employee, managers at nonprofits often feel they are subject to additional scrutiny than a for-profit business.

Managing Teleworking Employees

Most nonprofit employers understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our way of working — perhaps permanently — but the adaptation of policies and practices haven’t always kept up.