High Umbrella Limits Are A Big Liability

High limits of umbrella put a rich target on nonprofits and invite plaintiff attorneys to go hunting for disgruntled clients.

BREAKING NEWS: An Insurance Regulator Tries to Figure Out What Type of Insurance is Offered in Their State

The Missouri Department of Commerce & Industry sent a survey to see if insurers are offering coverages nonprofits need. Too little, too late.

Insurance Trade Association Using Clout to Hurt Nonprofits

Determined to maintain control over a market they don’t even want, NAMIC is working with regulators to kneecap nonprofits.

From the CEO: On Transparency and Insurance Pricing

Later this year, NIA will need to impose an inflationary increase for most of our members of around 10%. This post provides a full explanation as to why this increase is necessary.

Nonprofits Need More Options in the Marketplace, Not Less

A letter to Commissioner Mike Kreidler, Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner, asking him to support allowing RRGs to offer property options.

Then & Now: How a University Thesis Became a Force For Good For Nonprofits

35 years ago, I wrote a thesis that changed my life and helped many nonprofits. It also has implications for the current insurance crisis.

Myths About Social Inflation Harm Community-based Nonprofits

NIA CEO Pamela Davis explores how insurance companies often use social inflation myths as a means to keep coverage costs high for nonprofits.

Remembering William Gates Sr.

NIA remembers William Gates, Sr. and the change he helped bring about to nonprofits and the insurance industry.

A Moment for Self-reflection

Sharing thoughts and reflections after receiving an email promoting a false equivalency in the wake of George Floyd.

Nonprofits Coming Together to Protect Our Sector

A letter to Congresswoman Maxine Waters signed by over 1500 nonprofits who support the Nonprofit Property Protection Act (H.R. 4523).

Earthquake Memories: Nonprofit Organization Thrives After Shaky Start

30 years after the 1989 Loma Prieta quake threatened to derail NIA in its infancy, CEO Pamela Davis shares its current, thriving condition.

Nonprofits Insurance Alliance 30th Anniversary Stories: Pamela E. Davis

Pamela E. Davis discusses Nonprofits Insurance Alliance’s "member-first" approach to claims and coverages.