NIA Welcomes Live Zero Waste as 26,000th Member

Live Zero Waste is a nonprofit dedicated to decreasing waste and helping people enjoy the benefits of a trash-free lifestyle.

NIA is pleased to provide insurance to organizations that work to protect the environment. Live Zero Waste is our 26,000th member.

A screenshot of Live Zero Waste's website.

As a nonprofit committed to sustainability and green practices, NIA is pleased to be a source of stable insurance to like-minded organizations that work to protect the environment and fight climate change. That’s why we’re proud to welcome Live Zero Waste as our 26,000th member!

Live Zero Waste is a nonprofit dedicated to decreasing waste and helping people enjoy the benefits of a trash-free lifestyle, by providing an informational platform and a supportive community for anyone who wants to give the zero-waste lifestyle a try — even if it’s just for a day.

Based in Ann Arbor, Mich., and Brooklyn, N.Y., Live Zero Waste traces its roots back to 2015, when siblings Samuel and Lydia McMullen decided to embark on a one-year journey to lessen their impact and create more sustainable habits while doing research on air pollution and climate change in Beijing.

As they were conducting their research, they realized their consumption habits, along with the production of the disposable items in their life, were creating the very air pollution and climate change they were researching.

To help people get started, the Live Zero Waste website provides an informational blog with tips and advice on how to reduce waste in their daily lives, as well as deeper explorations as to specific sources of waste — and how to eliminate them. Users can also access a “swap” forum to share their best tips for reducing waste generated by cooking, cleaning, personal care, pets, and more.

In certain areas, Live Zero Waste also provides a comprehensive listing to connect people to a series of region-specific local resources for reducing waste and its impact on the planet.

For more information, visit