Risk Alert: What You Need to Know About the New I-9 Form

2016 and 2017 I-9 Revisions

After almost 7 months of a “new” revision, it was announced on July 17, 2017, that a “newer” version of the I-9 has been published.

Photograph of a U.S. Department of Homeland Security

As all employers are aware, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all employers to verify that all employees hired after November 6, 1986 are legally entitled to work in the United States. Employees must also provide employers with sufficient documentation that establish identity and employment eligibility, and complete the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form. The last form before the 2016 revision was published on March 8, 2013.

On November 14, 2016 a new version of the I-9 that was required to be used exclusively by January 22, 2017.  Now, after almost 7 months of becoming comfortable with the “new” revision, it was announced on July 17, 2017, that a “newer” version of the I-9 has been published.

Employers are permitted to use either the November 14, 2016 revision or the newer July 17, 2017 version until September 17, 2017.  On and after September 18, 2017, employers are required to use the July 17, 2017 revision, exclusively — at least until another revision is issued.

Details as to what the newest revisions provide, as well as a link to the form itself can be found here.