Responsible Leadership: An Interview with Pamela Davis of NIA

In this interview, JohnsonLambert meets Pamela Davis, founding President and CEO of Nonprofits Insurance Alliance (NIA), who championed the tenets of ESG long before it was the hot topic in business journals.

Ensuring Nonprofits’ Success

Results Digital Magazine interviews Pamela Davis, president and CEO of NIA, about the challenges posed by the pandemic and how the insurer adapted to support its clients.

Assessing Options for Managing the Risks and Insuring Communicable Diseases

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread and took root in an unprepared world, many organizations were finding out that their insurance policies would not cover the one event that had brought global business to a standstill — communicable diseases.

The Risk Retention Reporter: ANI Takes Lead in Providing Communicable Disease Coverage

As individuals and businesses grapple with the long-term liabilities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, risk retention groups are taking steps to help protect their members with risk management advice and in some cases, insurance coverage.

Risk Retention for the Win

Is the concept of a risk retention group (RRG) scarier than the concept of blockchain or bitcoin? It shouldn’t be, because it’s a proven option for many insureds, especially nonprofits.

Nonprofit Insurer Pays $3 Million In Dividends

Nonprofits Insurance Alliance (NIA) approved a $3 million dividend for policyholders, the 15th consecutive year that a dividend was declared. Dividends to nonprofit members have now eclipsed $50 million since 2007

Nonprofit Alliance Launches COVID-19, Communicable Disease Coverage

Insurance policies all have exclusions from coverage. Many nonprofit executives found out the hard way that, despite buying every available coverage, COVID-19 or other such events weren't covered.

Solving the Challenge of Finding Markets for Nonprofit Organizations

The cost of property and casualty insurance has been on the rise and it now can potentially bring far-reaching consequences for nonprofits. One nonprofit may have a solution.

Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Launches Communicable Disease Coverage

Beginning January 2021, Nonprofits Insurance Alliance members can purchase NONPROFITS OWN® Communicable Disease Liability Insurance.

Easing the Pain for Nonprofits

A difficult 2020 was predicted for the nonprofit insurance sector before the pandemic even struck. Insurance Business America examines what brokers can do to provide relief.

Few Places to Turn: Community Nonprofits Collide with Insurance Availability

Many classes of nonprofits are confronting an existential dilemma because of their insurability, which some argue is based on misconceptions.

How to Build an Insurance Company — or Any Business — with Community at the Center

Nonprofits Insurance Alliance President, Founder, and CEO Pamela Davis shares how she was able to create an insurer designed to serve the community and the entire nonprofit sector.