Let’s Save the California Foster Family Agency System

The California foster family system is on the verge of collapse.

NIAC insures 90% of foster family agencies (FFAs) in California and we will be forced to nonrenew all of these FFA’s soon — unless immediate changes are made to the judicial process.

Child holding a paper doll family

The judicial system has changed. Right now, it’s crushing foster family agencies across California.

NIAC insures 90% of foster family agencies (FFAs) in California and we will be forced to nonrenew all of these FFA’s soon — unless immediate changes are made to the judicial process.

This is very real. A blanket nonrenewal would cause a collapse of the California foster family system.

AB 2496, The Foster Family Agency Accountability Act, will correct this problem.

Here’s a summary of what AB 2496 does:

  • It assures that foster family agencies will not pay for the wrongdoing of others.
  • It would curb nuclear verdicts that punish nonprofit FFAs for the bad acts of others and threaten the health and safety of the children in California’s foster care system.
  • It would encourage more insurance options for FFAs in California.
  • Most importantly: Nothing in AB 2496 will prevent injured foster children from recovering damages from responsible parties.

Read more about The Foster Family Agency Accountability Act.