Hearts for nonprofits.
A committed Senior Leadership team. A board elected by the very nonprofits NIA insures. Nothing but love for nonprofits.

Insured by NIA:
Firefighter’s Burn Institute
Sacramento, CA
Senior leadership.
NIA’s committed Senior Leadership team manages a workforce distributed across 32 states to swiftly and efficiently meet the needs of nonprofit members and brokers.
At NIA, the C-suite is 50 percent female. Next-tier leadership — management levels and leads — is 71 percent female.

Pamela E. Davis

Carlos Ballesteros

Jean-Francois Roy
Contact a member of NIA’s Senior Leadership team:
Media and Press Inquires: Please use this contact form.
Boards of directors.
NIA is guided by boards of directors, whose members are selected from the very nonprofits it insures. They are elected by a majority vote of the members and represent the broad diversity of NIA’s member organizations. All are united by their commitment to serving the needs of the nonprofit sector.

William (Bill) Banton, Jr.

Ahndrea Blue

Norris W. Clark

Pamela E. Davis

Carolyn Day

Danilo Garcia

Debra Gore

Ann Marie Gothard

S. Orlene Grant

Edward G. Haik

Robert (Ken) Hedrick, Jr.

Rachel Katz

Martha Marcon

Daniel S. Maydeck

Sarah Newkirk

Shaun Powers

Gregory C. Scott

Trudy Soucoup

Michael Shaver

Jonathan Solomons

Dave Tatlock

Christine Westbrook

Tammy Wilson
Boards of Directors: Chairs Emeriti

R. Lawrence Bacon

Wilson M. Jones
Elections and philosophy.
The member companies of Nonprofits Insurance Alliance are each governed by a board of directors elected annually by its member nonprofits.
The majority of board members are nonprofit executives.
From the beginning, NIA has been an organization driven by grassroots nonprofits.
NIA members are all 501(c)(3) nonprofits, and most of their work is community-based.
The boards have a healthy mix of representatives of nonprofit members and independent professionals.
While NIA’s companies are managed by a group of seasoned executives, the board of directors plays an active role in governance and oversight, actively debating issues of policy to ensure the best possible decision-making on behalf of the members.

Insured by NIA:
Weehawken Creative Arts
Ridgway, CO
Nonprofit members elect the board.
The boards of directors are elected by the membership of ANI and NIAC, with each member having one vote.
Approximately one-third of the board stands for election each year.
There are two types of directors. A “member-related” director is a director who holds a position as an officer, director or employee with management responsibilities of an ANI or NIAC member.
A “professional” director is a director who has substantial management or professional experience in one or more of the following areas:
- Law
- Accounting
- Banking
- Business
- Insurance
At all times, at least 51% of the directors must be “member-related” and at least three must be “professional” directors.
Typically, the slate for “member-related” directors is competitive, with more nominees than open director seats.
The slate for “professional” directors is typically not competitive as it represents specific skill sets the board has determined are needed for the board at that time.
Nonprofit members nominate board candidates.
Nominations are solicited from all nonprofits insured by NIA in the fall via an electronic, faxed, or mailed nomination form.
All nominees are interviewed by one or more members of the Board Development Committee. The Committee meets to review the candidates and recommend a slate to the full board of directors at its December meeting. Nominees need not have insurance experience.
However, they must, in the opinion of the Board Development Committee, have sufficiently broad experience to bring value to the boards.
Every effort is made to produce a diverse slate, however, the Board Development Committee has limited control of this since nominations come directly from the membership.
Once approved for the slate by the Committee, nominees are required to supply information to enable the company to conduct a background search that includes credit and criminal history, and confirms any higher education reported by the candidate.
The background search information is provided electronically to the Board Development Committee chairperson by the background search service. Only issues that would potentially disqualify a candidate are then shared with the full Committee for consideration.
At its December board meeting, the slate of candidates who have qualified through the Committee and background check process, is discussed and approved as recommended or amended, and submitted to the membership for a vote.
The ballot is sent to each member electronically, or by fax or mail, in early January. The election period closes in early February.
Those who receive the largest number of votes in the open categories (i.e. “member-related” or “professional”) become directors immediately upon the close of the election. Terms are for three years.
In case a vacancy is created between elections, the board of directors may appoint a director to fill the unexpired term.
Board governance.
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC), Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance, Risk Retention Group (ANI), National Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance (NANI), and Alliance Member Services (AMS) are all members of the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group.
Each board of directors for these four independent 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofits is directly responsible for the good governance of the organization it serves.
However, in recognition of the synergistic relationship of these companies and their interactions as part of a group, these boards of directors have met and agreed on certain practices and principles across the companies in the group.
Agreement among the boards has been reached on:
- Group Ethics
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Code of Conduct for Senior Leadership
- Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members
- Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy
Separate information for each company is also provided for:
Minutes from Recent Annual Meetings:
- 2022 Combined Annual Meeting Minutes
- 2021 Combined Annual Meeting Minutes
- 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
- 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes – NIAC
- 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes – ANI, NANI and AMS
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