Setting the Record Straight on Child Services Renewals (ANI)

Don't believe everything you hear.

Another insurance company has been calling brokers to spread a false narrative.

A group of children in a huddle

Recently, we have learned that another insurance company has been calling brokers to spread the false narrative that Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance, RRG (ANI) will soon be nonrenewing child services accounts across the country.

We can confirm that this is false.

ANI has issued no statement regarding its position relative to nonrenewal of any class types.

It’s possible you’ve heard that Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC), our company which insures California nonprofits, has been actively working with California lawmakers to pass legislation (AB 2496) that would allow foster family agencies (FFAs) in California to continue to be insurable by NIAC and others — but NIAC has not made any statement at all about an intent to nonrenew any other class of business. NIAC continues to insure many, many types of child-serving organizations.

You can read more about our California efforts related to FFAs. NIAC remains committed to insuring a broad spectrum of 501(c)(3) nonprofits in California.

ANI remains committed to insuring 501(c)(3) nonprofits, primarily outside of California. ANI has made no announcement about potential nonrenewal for any class types.