Ann Shanklin, Director of Loss Control, Elected to National Advisory Committee

Press Release

February 1, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA — Ann Shanklin, Director of Loss Control for the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group, has been elected to a three-year term on the National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving Course International Advisory Committee. The focus of this committee is to identify traffic safety issues that have high potential to reduce injuries and deaths, to refine defensive driving courses offered by the National Safety Council based on this information, and to assist in the dissemination of the course’s core principles to the general public through leadership, research, education, and advocacy.

Ann has been serving as Director of Loss Control with the Group for more than 10 years, assisting ANI and NIAC members* and their insurance brokers to improve all aspects of safety in the delivery of the many key services nonprofits provide in their communities.

*Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance, Risk Retention Group (ANI) and Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC) are part of the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group, currently providing liability insurance for more than 15,000 nonprofits in 32 states and DC.

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