The Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC) celebrates 25 years of Serving Nonprofits in California

Press Release

  • Graduate Student Pioneers New Vision for Nonprofits
  • NIAC Also Announces New Visual Identity

October 29, 2014 — Santa Cruz, CA — The Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC) today announced the celebration of 25 years serving the liability insurance needs of 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofits. What started out in 1989 as an untested idea scoffed at by insurance experts has grown into a thriving group of insurance cooperatives that now serve more than 14,000 nonprofits in 32 states plus DC with a 95% retention rate.

Visionary Pioneer Pamela Davis Champions the Plight of Nonprofits

Pamela Davis, President and CEO of the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group, was a graduate student in Public Policy at U.C. Berkeley when the insurance crisis of the 1980s hit. As a result, nonprofits experienced a steep hike in their insurance premiums and many were denied coverage because their operations were seen as too risky to insure.

Ms. Davis’ vision was to have nonprofits insure each other by creating a risk pool in California. Backed by foundation support of $1.3 million, the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC) moved into its tiny second floor offices in Santa Cruz, California. A few hours later the Loma Prieta Earthquake struck.

“Rattled with the possibility of having no power, water or phone service for weeks or months, things looked pretty bleak,” said Ms. Davis, “but we were determined.” A few weeks later, NIAC welcomed its first nonprofit member, Food First.

“We have been with NIAC from the beginning,” said Marilyn Borchardt, Development Associate of Food First. “For 25 years, we have appreciated having a partner we can count on to provide the coverage we need and inspired service. As a nonprofit itself, NIAC truly understands what nonprofits need and value.”

Going Nationwide with ANI

In 2001, the Group expanded outside California and began serving nonprofits through NIAC’s affiliate, the Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance, Risk Retention Group (ANI). Initial funding for ANI came from grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the David & Lucile Packard Foundation. Each gave $5 million to expand the successful concept outside California.

About the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group

For 25 years the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC) has set the bar for nonprofit insurance, with its unique approach to helping nonprofits get affordable and appropriate liability insurance and to assist them with risk management. Founded by Pamela Davis in 1989, NIAC is now just one of the four companies that now make up the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group: Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC), Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance, Risk Retention Group (ANI), National Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance (NANI), and Alliance Member Services (AMS). As the foremost nonprofit insurance cooperative across the country, the companies in the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group now insure more than 14,000 nonprofits in 32 states and DC.

As part of the 25th anniversary the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group is introducing a new visual identity and website. The new logo reflects the companies in the Group as well as the long term tagline: A Heart for Insurance. A Heart for Nonprofits. The artist who created the logo is Pamela Davis — the Founder, President and CEO!

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