Nonprofits Insurance Alliance - 2018 NIA Annual Report

Children’s Cancer Association Portland, OR “Working for an actuarial firm in the late 1980s, we were hired to provide an analysis for an unusual start-up insurance cooperative for nonprofits, Nonprofits Insurance Alliance. The data was sparse, to say the least, and we had no similar organizations to which to look for data. Determining suggested insurance pricing was quite a challenge! Now with NIA’s extensive experience and database, nonprofits themselves are in control of this important financial service and will never again be at the mercy of others who may claim that nonprofits are too risky to insure!” —Tom Wander , BETA Healthcare Group But were nonprofits actually poor risks? “...nonprofits themselves are in control of this important financial service and will never again be at the mercy of others who may claim that nonprofits are too risky to insure!” What makes this nonprofit insurance cooperative different? “Our agency specializes in insuring nonprofit organizations and we have been working with Nonprofits Insurance Alliance since 1990. NIA was the first to truly understand nonprofits’ uniqueness and to demonstrate that nonprofits were good risks and insurable at reasonable prices. Over the past 30 years, NIA has constantly raised the bar for what it means to provide the services and coverages that nonprofits deserve.” —Mike Esparza & Joe Esparza, All-Cal Insurance Agency A head for insurance. A heart for nonprofits. 15