Nonprofits Insurance Alliance - 2018 NIA Annual Report

Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation cares for injured, traumatized, orphaned, and ill wildlife, serving 17 to 50 animals daily. Recovering animals are often involved in impact-type injuries caused by cars and trucks, gunshot wounds, poisoning, botulism, electrocution, illegal trapping, becoming orphaned, and exposure to disease. Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation is on call 24/7 and responds to requests to pick up injured animals. The organization provides clean and well-maintained spaces for rescues. It checks whether each animal requires medication, hydration, and help with feeding. When necessary, the organization brings animals to specialized veterinarians for check-ups, x-rays, blood work, and surgeries. Once animals have healed, they are returned to their natural habitats. Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation’s objective is to encourage awareness and appreciation of Utah’s diverse wildlife. Supporters can sponsor an animal, donate, or volunteer to transport animals, clean mews and kennels, maintain housing, or help with fundraising. Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation Helper, UT 12 A Cooperative of Nonprofits, for Nonprofits.