Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group - 2017 Annual Report

24 A Cooperative of Nonprofits, for Nonprofits. A Head for Insurance. A Heart for Nonprofits. Thank You Youth Celebrate Diversity Greenwood Village, CO Thank You! Much like our nonprofit members, we’re constantly learning, growing and adapting. To be the best and most authentic version of ourselves, both as individuals, and as organizations, we must continue to exam- ine what is working and what is not. In our own recent self-reflection this year, we realized we don’t say thank you to our nonprofit members nearly enough. As an insurer, we often interact with our mem- bers in times of great stress, but no matter the context, their unwavering dedication and commitment to creating change and helping others is palpable. Every day we are inspired by the complex and important work they do in our communities and the creativity they apply to solving seemingly intractable problems. Although our communities and the nonprofit sector face many headwinds, we do not face them alone. If you are a nonprofit volunteer, executive or staff member reading this, please accept our heartfelt appreciation for your tireless hard work. We know you, and we honor you. You help make the world a better place. ...For All You Do, And for Being You!